Affiliated To Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education

7977366599 / 9867300531


Date Of Birth:


in case student belongs to backward class/tribe:Please give Supportive documents

Names of siblings, (not cousins) in this school

if either parent is an ex-Rizvi student, please give details:

  1. The following documents should be submitted with Registration form:

    • Birth Certificate
    • Transfer Certificate
    • Aadhar Card
    • School progress report(atlease 3 prior years)
  2. Ex-Rizvi, who are seeking admission for their children will be to submit a photocopy of their School living Cerificate

  3. Declaration by Parent/Guardian

    • I/We Certify that the infomration given in this form is correct.
    • I/We agree to pay all School fees and other dues regularly.
    • I/We agree to abide by the rules of the school.
    • I/We understand that the school will not be responsible for any injury, fatal or otherwise, that may be sustained by our child whilst participating in games, extra-curricular activities or while on excursions conducted by school.
    • I/We Understand that the Principal reserves the right to remove a student from school at any time and strike the name off the rolls without assigning any reason.